FAQ: How Do I Connect to WiFi?

FAQ: How Do I Connect to WiFi?

  • Most smart phones, tablets, and computers will connect to the “Westminster” WiFi. To connect, go to your WiFi settings and select the “Westminster” network. Enter your Westminster username (ex. abs1203, jsmith) and your regular Westminster password.

  • If you have an Android device or Chromebook, there will be specific advanced settings that must be entered. It should look something like the picture below:




EAP Method: PEAP
CA Certification: Don’t Validate OR Use System Certificates
Phase 2 Authentication: MSCHAPV2
If Domain is required: westminsteru.edu

  • Guests on campus can connect to the “WestminsterGuest” wifi network. It will ask them to fill out their Name, Email, Sponsor Name, and Sponsor Email. The Sponsor Email must be a Westminster email address. This user will receive an email asking them to accept the requested WiFi access. The WiFi access will last 16 hours.

We will follow up on the ticket with the “RecNet” network WiFi password once the request has been completed.