FAQ: How Do Guests on Campus Access WiFi?

FAQ: How Do Guests on Campus Access WiFi?

Guests who are brought on campus can connect to our guest WiFi network, WestminsterGuest. It will ask them to fill out their Name, Email, Sponsor Name, and Sponsor Email. The Sponsor Email must be a Westminster email address. This user will receive an email asking them to accept the requested WiFi access. The WiFi access will last 16 hours.

If you are bringing a guest on campus who needs more long-term access, please submit a Help Desk request so that we can discuss options. If they will need a Westminster account/email address, you will need to contact Human Resources to have them submit an account creation request.

Helpful information to send to your guests: Campus maps, where to park, how to get access to Residence Halls if needed, where to buy food on campus, etc.

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