Printing from a Personally-Owned Computer
For Staff, faculty, and Students using personal devices on campus, we provide and support the WebPrint service to allow printing. Please follow this guide to learn how to use WebPrint: Using WebPrint to Print From a WiFi-Connected Computer
Services Provided:
Several printers made available in WebPrint in common areas around campus
Campus WiFi service
WebPrint service
$25 in print credits per semester for students (free for faculty/staff)
Support Provided:
Ensuring that the available printers are overall operational:
Printers are online
Print jobs successfully print
Printers are clear of paper jams
Printers have sufficient ink/toner
Ensuring WebPrint is operational and accessible
Ensuring adequate print credits are applied to students
Refunding of print credits when prints fail or misprint
Basic troubleshooting:
Reseat the ethernet cable while restarting the printer
Clear any paper jams
Make sure the user has enough print credits
Make sure the file type is allowed
Convert the file type to .pdf
Review knowledge-based (KB) articles provided by IS
If you experience any issues with the WebPrint service, visit the Giovale Library Information Services helpdesk, call the helpdesk at 801.832.2023, submit a ticket at this link: or send an email to ‘’ with your contact information and a short description of the issue