How to Add Custom U2 Student Listing Columns to Informer4 Reports

Access/open your report in Informer4.

  • If the custom field(s) are in the same mapping of the report (Example: AR Accounts).

  • Click on the Columns line in the report.

  • Click on Add Fields.

  • Then Search for a field.

  • Example: Type 24/FA Balance in the search field.

  • Double click on the highlighted information to add it to the report.

  • Then Save.

  • If the custom fields are in a different mapping (Students). Click on + sign next to AR accounts to expand the options.

  • Then click the link to Students.

  • Enter the name of the field in the search fields (24/FA Completed Cred) and double click to add it to the report.

  • Then Save the report.