Westminster Anywhere Tips and Tricks

Academic vs. Staff Desktops

  • The Academic desktop has several academic applications installed on it for student use. To get academic applications installed on Westminster Anywhere, please look out for an email from Information Services regarding academic software requests prior to each semester.

  • The Staff desktop should be used if you are working remotely or over wifi and would like to access our databases (Colleague and Informer) or shared network drives (Shared and Department).

How to Adjust Display Settings

  • Once you are logged into Westminster Anywhere, there should be a settings gear at the top right of the screen.

  • Click the settings gear, hover over “Screen scaling”, and choose the option that works best for you.

  • This setting should save for the next time you log into Westminster Anywhere.


Enable Copy and Paste

  • If you are having trouble copying and pasting from another tab or window into Westminster Anywhere, the clipboard may have been disabled.

  • Click the settings gear at the top right and click “Enable clipboard”.

How to Connect to Shared Network Drives

  • Open the Cloud Mounter app from the desktop icon.


  • Select Network Drive.


  • Change the dropdown to the letter of the drive you would like to access, F for Dept and S for Shared.

  • Enter the drive pathway, \\files.wcusers.int\Dept for the F drive and \\files.wcusers.int\Shared for the S drive.

  • Enter in your Westminster username and Westminster password, then click Connect Now.


  • Now every time you sign into Westminster Anywhere, the drive will already be connected. You can pin a folder you access often to Quick Access by dragging and dropping under Quick Access on the left of the File Explorer window, or you can click on This PC and see all connected drives there.


How to Connect to OneDrive

  •  Open the Cloud Mounter app from the desktop icon.


  • Select OneDrive.


  • Click Connect Now.

  • Sign in with your westminsteru.edu email and password. You may be required to authenticate the sign in using one of your security methods (text, authenticator app, authentication token).


Westminster Anywhere Top Menu Bar Icons