Access Shared S or Department F Drive from Westminster Anywhere

The shared S drive and department F drives are not accessible by default in Westminster Anywhere. Here are the steps you will need to take to access those drives.


  1. Open the Cloud Mounter app from the desktop icon.


  2. Select Network Drive.


  3. Change the dropdown to the letter of the drive you would like to access, F for Dept and S for Shared.

  4. Enter the drive pathway, \\\Dept for the F drive and \\\Shared for the S drive.

  5. Enter in your Westminster username and Westminster password, then click Connect Now.


  6. Now every time you sign into Westminster Anywhere, the drive will already be connected. You can pin a folder you access often to Quick Access by dragging and dropping under Quick Access on the left of the File Explorer window, or you can click on This PC and see all connected drives there.