Accessing and Updating Help Desk Requests (JIRA)
Accessing and Updating Help Desk Requests (JIRA)
Westminster students, faculty, and staff can submit technology questions, problems, and concerns through our Help Desk portal called JIRA.
To Submit a Request:
- First, go to our Computer Support page found under Tools on the Faculty and Staff Resources or Current Student Resources pages.
- Click the Submit A Help Desk Request button.
- There will be a search bar in the middle of the page. Select the “Get IS help” option under that search bar.
- Provide a title for your request in the "Summary" box.
- In the "Description" box you can describe your question, problem, or concern in more detail.
- Hit the “Create” button that is on the bottom left part of the page when you are ready.
To Get Updates On Your Request:
- Check your email: every comment or action taken on the request will send you an email notification that you can reply to directly to update the request. You can click "View request" within those notification emails to open the request in our Help Desk Portal and view all previous comments and actions as well.
- Go to the Help Desk Portal.
- Select “Requests” in the top right corner.
- Select "Approvals" to see any requests awaiting your approval.
- Select "My requests" to see any requests you have opened.
- Select "All requests" to see any requests you have opened or have been added to as a participant.
- Open a request by clicking on its summary.
- Now you can add comments, upload files, or even resolve your request.
- Interacting and communicating via your request will ensure a resolution is reached.