E-Learning Media

Services available:

  • Academic media creation/curation
  • Digital artifacts

EdTech will collaborate with the requester/subject matter expert to evaluate the scope of each digital project. They will create a timeline to script, review, and produce media to meet the requester's needs and enhance the student learning experience to align with course objectives.

Please note, EdTech may decline requests if sufficient time is not provided. This process is collaborative and requires all parties to participate in the development of digital artifacts.

What kind of support can I receive regarding these services?

  • Collaboration
  • Coordinate production
  • Provide feedback
  • Meet agreed deadlines

Basic troubleshooting?

  • Restart your device
  • Be sure to log into your Westminster account
  • Verify that you have published the artifact
  • Relink/embed the artifact
  • Review knowledge-based (KB) articles provided by IS

How do I get help?