- Log into Westminster Anywhere.
- Open an internet browser and navigate to westminstercollege.edu, then scroll to the bottom of the page and select either “Current Students” or “Faculty and StaffResources”. (Whichever is applicable)
3. Scroll down to the section labeled “Tools” and select the “WebPrint”.
4. Log in using your Westminster username and password. (do not include “@westminstercollege.edu)
5. Click on “WebPrint”.
6. Click the green, “Submit a Job” button.
7. Select the printer you’d like to use, then click the green, “Print Options and Account Selection” button.
8. Input how many copies you’d like to make and click the green, “Upload Documents” button.
9. Drag the file you’d like to print into the Upload box and click the green, “Upload &
Complete” button.