Writing Center

Services available:

  • 4 21.5 inch iMacs computers 
  • 80 inch HDMI display on the North wall
  • 4 small VGA displays around the room
  • Small scanners
  • Ricoh printer/scanner
  • Specialized applications installed (as requested by instructors and will change each academic year)
  • Standard applications installed
    • Microsoft suite 
      • Teams
      • Word
      • PowerPoint
      • Excel
      • Outlook 
      • and many more
    • Google Chrome 
    • Safari
    • Adobe Creative Cloud suite

What kind of support can I receive regarding these services?

  • Computer equipment is in working condition 
  • Displays are in working condition 
  • Connection to printer/scanners
  • Basic support/troubleshooting on standardized applications
  • Specialized applications are installed

Basic troubleshooting?

How do I get help?