How to Change Your Westminster Password

How to Change Your Westminster Password

  1. From the Westminster University homepage, scroll to the very bottom of the page and click Current Students or Faculty and Staff.

  2. Under the Current Student Resources and the Faculty and Staff Resources pages on the Westminster website, there is a link under tools titled Change Your Password.

    That link will take you to this page: https://aka.ms/sspr/?whr=westminsteru.edu

  3. Enter your full Westminster email address in the box titled “User ID”.

  4. Below that, enter the captcha characters and click the blue “Next” button.

  5. The page you should see next looks like this:

    To reset your password, you will first need to use one of your methods of authentication to confirm that you are in fact trying to change your own password. You can choose which method you would like to use: being emailed, texted, or called with a verification code or approving a notification or entering a code from your authenticator app. If you would like a text or call, you will need to enter in your full phone number that matches the one you have on file.

  6. After you have selected your method of authentication and clicked the corresponding blue button, you will be sent a code that you must enter or a notification to approve. After that has been entered correctly, you will need to choose a second method of verification different than the one you just used.

  7. After that second authentication method has also been entered correctly, you will be taken to a screen where you can enter your new password:

    The password requirements are as follows:
    1. Passwords must be at least 8 characters long.
    2. Passwords can have a maximum of 16 characters.
    3. Passwords can’t contain the user’s account name or parts of the user’s full name that exceed two consecutive characters.
    4. Passwords must contain characters from 3 of the following 4 categories:
      1. Uppercase letters (A through Z)
      2. Lowercase letters (a through z)
      3. Numbers (0 through 9)
      4. The following non-alphabetic characters:

        ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = { } | [ ] \ : “ ; ‘ < > ? , . /

  8. After you have entered your new password twice, click the blue “Finish” button. You will then be taken to this screen:

    You will receive an email from “Microsoft on behalf of Westminster University” confirming that your password has been changed:

  9. As the email says, make sure to update your password on all of your devices afterwards or your emails and Outlook reminders may not come through. You can update your password in the settings of your device.

  10. Call the Help Desk at 801-832-2023 if you have any questions or run into any trouble. If you do not have any authentication methods setup or you only have one, then you will not be able to reset your own password.

NOTE: If you have a laptop provided to you by the University, this will not update your laptop login password. If you would like your passwords to match, you will need to change your laptop login password manually:

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