How to Access Your Course Feedback - NURSING ONLY

How to Access Your Course Feedback - NURSING ONLY


Please view this article if you are not in the nursing department: How to Access Your Course FeedbackUNDEFINED

If you would like any course feedback from Spring 2022 or earlier, please reach out to the Provost's Office. Any course feedback from Summer 2022 onward can be found on Qualtrics QClassroom: feedback.westminsteru.edu. There are 3 dashboards in QClassroom as well as several filters that can be edited to show you the specific feedback you are looking for. 

Step-by-step guide

Finding your course feedback in QClassroom:

  1. Navigate to the Westminster QClassroom site: feedback.westminsteru.edu.

  2. Log in with your Westminster email address and password. 

  3. You will see 3 dashboards: Nursing Executive Dashboard, Nursing SITE/ISITE, and Simulation. Each will provide a different view of data.

  4. At the top left of the dashboard, click on “Term” and select which term(s) you are interested in.


  5. Next to “Term”, you can sort by “Course Name” and/or “Department”. 

  6. To reset filters, click “Reset to Default” in the middle of the menu bar. 

  7. If three or fewer feedback were submitted for a course, the report will not show to ensure anonymity. 

  8. If there are more than three responses, the report will generate. You can view the report on the QClassroom dashboard, or you can export the report. 

  9. To export the report, click “Export” at the far right of the dashboard. You can choose to download the report or email the report. The report file will be attached to the email.

    1. Please note that if you export a dashboard in PDF, JPG, PPTX, or DOCX format, all student comments might not be included. It will only include the first page of student comments. If you export a dashboard in CSV or TSV format, it will include all student comments. You also have the option to export content just for each widget. This can be exported in Excel as well to help review the content.

  10. If you are a dean, program chair, or in any other role that allows you access to other professors course feedback in QClassroom:

    1. If you would like to view only your personal course feedback, you will need to filter based on your email address. You will need to edit the “Faculty 1 Email” filter to add your email address. If you were here prior to our email address change, you will need to select both your westminstercollege.edu and westminsteru.edu email addresses to view all of your responses since Summer 2022.

    2. If you are trying to view your employee’s course feedback, you will need to edit the “Faculty 1 Email” filter to add their email address. If they were here prior to our email address change, you will need to select both their westminstercollege.edu and westminsteru.edu email addresses to view all of their responses since Summer 2022.

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