Services available:
Full-Time Faculty and Staff Members:
Every full-time faculty and staff member is supplied with one computer. Our standard setup is a desktop PC computer with Surface laptop with a Surface dock, one 24-inch monitor, keyboard, mouse, and a hard-wired Ethernet connection.
If the user or department can demostrate demonstrate their job responsibilities require an a desktop PC or iMac, the CIO may choose to approve the request. If the request is approved the user will receive a 21.5 inch iMac.approved, we will offer a computer from our available inventory.
In some cases, departments can use their own budget to purchase a different computers, computer equipmentsequipment, and/or monitors. Those purchases still need to go through the IS department and must be approved before the purchase is made. These purchases will be entered into the inventory as self-purchased.
*Self-purchased devices that are purchased not through the IS department will only be allowed to connect to our network via WiFi and will not be imaged or added to our domain. If the individual goes through the IS department (purchasing a computer that IS is already ordering or has in their inventory), IS will put the computers on our image, add the computer to the domain if necessary, and provide printing support and other basic support needs. If a self-purchased computer breaks, the department that purchased it will be responsible for replacing it.
Shared Computer Spaces:
We have several locations where students, faculty, adjuncts, and staff can use computers on campus. The library has several iMac’s and PC computers, including two standing desks. Two of the iMac’s and two of the PC’s in the library have the Adobe suite installed on them.
There are Mac computer labs in Bassis (the Writing Center and the Photo Lab), Converse (the Maker Lab), and Dick (the Design Lab) which all have the Adobe Creative Cloud suite installed. The Writing Center is open to all students, but access to the other labs may be restricted. The Veterans Center has shared PC computers available for student use.
There are adjunct lounges/offices located in various buildings across campus that have computers available for use since adjuncts are not offered University-owned computers. Please reach out to your front office for up to date locations.
***In all cases listed above the user will not have adminstrative rights administrative rights to the computer.
What kind of support can I receive regarding these services?
- Computer is working properly, including:
- running Running too slowly to function
- upgrading Upgrading hardware as it becomes necessary
- overall Overall function of the computer and monitor
- Installation of the equipment
- Inputting the administrative password to update/install job appropriate software
- Installing CollegeUniversity-owned applications and printers
- Verify username/password
- Verify all equipment is plugged in
- Verify all equipment is connected correctly
- Verify computer is on the domain
- Move files off the hard drive onto OneDrive or Teams
- Review knowledge-based (KB) articles provided by IS
How do I get help?
- Submit a Help Desk request
- Call the Computer Support line 801.832.2023