- Log into Westminster Anywhere.
- Open an internet browser and navigate to westminstercollege.edu, then scroll to the bottom From the Westminster University homepage, click the 3 bars at the top right of the page and select either “Current Students” or “Faculty and StaffResources”. (Whichever Staff Resources”, whichever is applicable)
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3. Scroll down to the section labeled “Tools” and select the “WebPrint”.
4. Log in using your Westminster username and password. (, do not include “@westminstercollege“@westminsteru.edu)".
5. Click on “WebPrint”.
6. Click the green , “Submit a Job” button.
7. Select the printer you’d like to use, then click the green , “Print Options and Account Selection” button.
8. Input how many copies you’d like to make and click the green , “Upload Documents” button.
9. Drag the file you’d like to print into the Upload box and click the green, “Upload & Complete” button.