Services available:
Full Time Faculty and Staff Members:
Every full-time faculty and staff member is supplied with one computer. Our standard setup is a desktop PC computer with one 24-inch monitor.
In some cases departments can use their own budget to purchase a different computers, computer equipments, and/or monitors. Those purchases still need to go through the IS department and must be approved before the purchase is made. These purchases will be entered into the inventory as self-purchased.
Shared Computer Spaces:
We have several locations where students, faculty, adjuncts, and staff can use computers on campus. The library has several iMac’s and PC computers, including two standing desks. Two of the iMac’s and two of the PC’s in the library have the Adobe suite installed on them.
There are computer labs in Bassis (the Writing Center and the Photo Lab) and Converse (the Maker Lab). There are several buildings with student lounges that have computers available for students, such as Malouf, Gore, and the Veterans’ Center.
There are adjunct lounges/offices that have computers available for use since adjuncts are not offered college owned computers.
***In all cases listed above the user will not have adminstrative rights to the computer.
What kind of support can I receive regarding these services?