Services available:
- Personal OneDrive - Every staff, faculty, and student has a personal OneDrive account through the College. This drive is provided via the College's O365 license. Personal Network Drive - The College provides every staff, faculty, and student with a networked H: drive (their special space on the file server) where they can store their files.
- Shared Network Drives - The College maintains network drives that are shared. These are locations that multiple people can have access to. Most commonly used within a department to share documents among each other. These shared locations are on our file server.
- Department Team Environment - The College's O365 license include Microsoft Teams. Many departments have created Team environments and have started to share documents within that space.
Please note that although all of the above options are available, the Information Services (IS) department prefers users to use their personal OneDrive accounts for personal storage and the Teams environment for department sharing/storage.
What kind of support can I receive regarding these services?