To request a computer setup for a new hire, submit a "New Hardware Request" via a Get IS Help request via the Help Desk Portal. Our standard setup is a PC Surface laptop with a Surface dock and a monitor that is at least 24 inches, so if you do not have any special requests, you can select "Windows Laptop" under the Hardware dropdowndo not need to specify the hardware needed. In the descriptionDescription, make sure to include the new hire's name and their starting date. If you have any specific requests for the new hire's phone extension, please include that here. If you are requesting anything other than the standard setup, the description Description is also where you can explain that need. At the bottom of the request, fill out the Building and Room/Office fields along with the Desired Delivery Date. Once the request is approved, we will get started on the requestPlease include the building and room/office location along with the desired delivery date. We will reach out for approval for the request if necessary.
Requesting additional hardware (extra monitors, laptops, tablets):
To request additional hardware that is not part of our standard setup, such as a second monitor, desktop computer, tablet, webcam, etc., submit a "New Hardware Request" and select the Hardware type under the dropdown. You can choose "Other" and type in the device name if it is not listed Get IS Help request and describe the request in the description. Additional hardware is not covered by IS, so please provide a budget code that we can charge the purchase to. You can also request a quote for the item or ask any other clarifying questions before providing the budget code. We will reach out for approval for the request if necessary.
Requesting hardware essential equipment (mouse, keyboard, chargers, cables, etc.):
If you need to request new peripheral computer equipment, such as a mouse, keyboard, laptop/tablet chargers (for IS-purchased equipment), cables, etc., you can submit a "Hardware Issues" request and Get IS Help request and explain the need. These items do not need to go through an approval process, and we will not require a budget code. If you need a new laptop/tablet charger for a laptop or tablet that was purchased by your department, that request will need to be submitted as a "New Hardware Request", and we will require a budget code.